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Holy Clubs Inc.


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Holy Clubs Inc.

128 Fern Forest Dr.

Raleigh NC 27603

"Help Tyrone & Natalie to stand, preach the gospel,
and build cultures of prayer."

The Watson's 

Full Time Staff Members 

Tyrone and Natalie have served as intercessory missionaries at Triangle Prayer Room for almost 3 years. They recently were married on October 1, 2022 and are currently living in Smithfield, NC. 

Tyrone currently leads many of the family worship and prayer sets as well as the night watch. He is faithfully cultivating his understanding of Jesus and his musical gifts to serve at the prayer room.

Contact The Watson's

If you would like to hear more feel free to reach out!! 

Raleigh , NC

(910) 538-2302


The Watson's

Full Time Staff Members 

Natalie has a heart and calling for the Latin American nations. She has spent many years serving as a worship leader and missionary to various Latin American ministries and countries, and is responding to the call of God to pray for awakening and the new songs of Latin America. She leads several sets at the prayer room including the Song of Solomon set and the Latin America set. She is happy to serve as a worship leader in her local church Catch the Fire, and leader with the ministry Feast & Feast.


In their free time away from the Prayer Room, you can find them in 1 of 3 places:


  1. They love to have picnics at botanical gardens. 

  2. They enjoy foods from many different cultures especially Asian, south eastern, and Puerto Rican.

  3. They also catch up on The Chosen series and Freelancers.


The Triangle Prayer Room is a DBA of Holy Clubs, Inc.

 â€‹â€‹Holy Clubs Inc. Board, manages and oversees our 501(c)3 status.

The Holy Clubs Inc EIN is 83-4678710.

Give to prayer!

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