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“Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” —Matthew  19:14






We exist to provide a safe place for children to be TRAINED in Worship, Bible, and Prayer, while their parents can encounter God in the prayer room.



Triangle Prayer Room 

4820 Guy Rd, Clayton, NC



10a - 12p

(see below for breakdown)


Every Wednesday | 
June 5th to  August 14th

(prayer room is closed 1st 2 weeks in JULY)


10am - DROP OFF

Parents will drop off children at the playground in

the back of the church. 



Children will remain inside for teaching and worship.

Toddlers and Elementary kids will be in separate rooms


11:30pm - 12 pm  PICK UP

Parents can pick up their children on the playground. 



June - 5, 12, 19, 26

July 1-14 Prayer room closed

July - 17, 24, 31

August - 7, 14



Parents are always welcome to stay with the kids or remain in the prayer room for an hour and a half set.

5-12 Year Olds

Will start outside and then move inside for worship and teaching seperate from the nursery. 

13 to 19 Years Old 

Are always welcome to attend, and we will serve them the best we can.



STAFF w/ KIDS : Ben, Jacob, Caroline, Karena 


5 - 6  Volunteers Needed:

 Nursery Helpers

Sports Coordinators

 Extra / Flexible Volunteers 

Worship Helpers

If interested in volunteering please email:


Can my children bring snack or lunch?

  1. Children can bring lunch OR snack and eat during the outside portion.

What will my child need?
  1. Bible (we will provide if need be)

  2. Water bottle - please bring a water bottle as days can get hot. If not we will provide. 

  3. Lunch/Snack -  please bring if needed. We will provide a simple snack such as goldfish. Any other snack we give will be ok'd by parents. 

What about the volunteers?
  1. Volunteers must pass a Background Check. BACKGROUND CHECKS: $30 

  2. Staff will NEVER be alone with your child. As two people are assigned to each group.

  3. Camera's are strategically placed around the church to monitor events. 

  4. There are windows on all doors so that parents can come at anytime and look at children. 

  5. No one but staff and parents are allowed near children. 

What about the bathroom?

Parents - are asked to take their children to the bathroom before coming to the room.


​Staff - should a child have to go to the bathroom during the child’s time in the room then they will:


First find the parent and ask them to take the child.


Second, if no parent can be located, the staff will escort the child to the bathroom (and help if necessary). (***unless otherwise instructed by the parent not to).

When can a child not attend?

Sick - When a child is sick (have had a cold/fever/vomiting/cough, or a sibling/parent in house has, in the past 24 hours.)


Conflict - When they are not able to get along with others (This will be left up to the discretion of the Child Care Department Head. TPR will be as reasonable as possible, and has the goal of wanting to help the mother get into the prayer room. We will do everything we can to make this work, but understand that some children will be beyond the normal skill set of a volunteer child care worker. Therefore we will take these measures if a child is not able to get along with the care worker or other children in the room:


 They will warn the child. 


Share concerns with parents at pick up time. 

Then monitor the child the next time. 


After 3 times if the child is not able to cooperate we will ask the parent to take a 2 week break from the Children's Equipping Center.

The Triangle Prayer Room is a DBA of Holy Clubs, Inc.

 â€‹â€‹Holy Clubs Inc. Board, manages and oversees our 501(c)3 status.

The Holy Clubs Inc EIN is 83-4678710.

Give to prayer!

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